Monday, November 28, 2011

How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on.

The title line for this post is a quote from French pilot, writer, and author of The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900-1944).

Fog, it seems, is always wet.  The fog that crept up out of the valley and dispersed across the ranch in the wee hours of this morn put a down-to-the core ache in my bones.

The fog made a little magic, too, adorning maple branches and spider webs with hundreds of smallish to miniscule water droplets -- each a shimmering diamond set both sparkling and diminishing with the slow-climbing sun.  It was a sight that both stole my breath and sent me running for my camera.

How many of us are the fog that becomes a drop that eventually contributes to a mighty, free-flowing river?  If you listen to the fog, any kind of success hinges on the belief that we exert a force for change.  The nature of that force, the way we choose to channel and direct it is our legacy.  How will you focus your energy today? 

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