Saturday, February 11, 2012

The New February Sky Is Not Given to Glory

In the next couple of years, we are looking to downsize our house and possibly acquire more acreage, the new Sweetgrass Ranch.  It's difficult to find anything that remotely compares to our present location as evidenced by a quick drive by of a Yamhill County property earlier today.  There wasn't anything wrong with the place -- it even had a nice view if you don't mind big power lines...

Tonight, the sky lit up and I felt the immense power of this sacred ground that houses me, my family, and our many critters.  It was enough to inspire a snapshot and a poem.  Wherever you are, I hope you find this same sense of "connection" with your home.

Sunset Over the Horse Paddocks at Sweetgrass Ranch
February Sky and South Wind
by Susan Fay
The new February Sky 
Is not given to glory
She's a woman of strong convictions
Her life, a grand story
With a cloak that speaks of winter
Its shades muted grey
Her resolve is oft icy
To many a fine suitor's dismay
Yet the lads, they come calling
With offerings galore
There are crocus and daffodils bloomin'
Soft fine pussy willows and more
There's but one gent among them
Can unchain a February heart
He's seductive, the South Wind
Oh so smooth, oh so smart
His warm advances, they undo her
As her cape starts to flutter
Revealing a heart longing and lively
With warm tones gold as butter
As the sun takes his leave
The lovers join in a fiery dance
February Sky and South Wind locked
In an earthly romance
Their affair, one of great passion
With interludes of quiet and calm
In time they fashion
An ease, a truce, a balm
And witnessing their great love
The whole world wakes anew and sings
As South Wind and February Sky birth their fair child
The long awaited Spring

The poem -- "February Sky and South Wind" by Susan Fay -- is copyright 2012.  If you would like to use this poem for any reason, please contact Susan at or by using the comments function of this blog.  Use without permission is prohibited.

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