Friday, July 13, 2012

Jetblue's First Trail Ride Under Saddle

Last Friday, Lorenzo and I took Drifty, Irish, and Jetblue to Willamette Mission State Park just north of Salem. It's a wonderful place to pony a filly or colt -- wide, safe and relatively flat trails that wind through woods, farm fields, and along the Willamette River.
Jetblue did awesome -- her quiet, easygoing attitude made for a truly enjoyable ride. She even waded right into chest deep water, although she wanted to roll while there!

Willamette Mission is a fabulous place to see a lot of birds. We were only there three hours, but we saw Bald Eagles, Osprey, Blue Herons, Turkey Vultures and many other winged wonders.

We are continuing to learn more about how to balance Jetblue's diet and exercise to avoid future colic episodes. For now, she's doing well and we're optimistic. More later.

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