Saturday, May 19, 2012

Will Bee Dun Help Us "Bee" Done? Sure Hope So!

When the temperature began to drop this evening, we used one of our horse stethoscopes to listen to the honey bees that have taken up residence in the barn's north wall.

Locating the hive was easy. My husband Don drilled several holes into the interior wall of the barn's storage room, just below the bees, and I injected a good volume of Bee Dun, a blend of essential oils used to clear bees from a hive when it's time to harvest honey. The drill holes are smaller than bees, but I covered each hole with duct tape anyway.

As of this writing, about thirty bees have left the barn and are clustered outside near their original entry point. We'll hit the holes hard with more Bee Dun in the morning and hope our unwelcome friends decide that their new digs aren't working out.

A local bee keeper is on call. If we can get the hive to exit and collect on the exterior of the barn, the entire lot will soon be on their way to a new hive near Gaston. Sure hope so!

Will keep you posted.

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