Friday, March 23, 2012

First Snow Day

It might have been the first day of Spring yesterday, but the Pacific Northwest has yet to get the memo. Late in the afternoon, it began snowing and kept at it most all night, resulting in a couple of inches of the white stuff.

This morning, Lorenzo opened the temporary corral, the manger, that we have set up for Daisy and her new little calf. The duo had overnighted there, nestled in the warm, dry straw. Here's a step-by-step photo essay of the calf's first snow day. Enjoy!

It snowed all night long. In the morning, Lorenzo opened one of the panels to the temporary manger, the one where Daisy and her calf had spent the night nestled in the warm, dry straw.

At first, the calf did not want to go out into the world. Daisy , in the way that cows do, talked to her son, encouraging him to follow her.

The calf tentatively worked his way to the edge of the corral, but when his hooves touched the snow, he bolted back into the safety of the manger.

Daisy was persistent and soon, her calf ventured into the pasture.

The calf moved slowly at first, sniffing the snow.

Then, he began to pick up speed.

Suddenly, the calf was running huge, lovely circles both up...

...and down the pasture.

He ran with such joy that the people watching him chuckled.

Then, it was time to stop and...

...make a new friend.

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