Thursday, March 1, 2012

Give Me a Red Coat

Princess in Her Red Coat

Give Me a Red Coat 
by Susan Fay

Give me a red coat
That I may cover my years
And walk with you as I have
These past twelve
Make me again sleek
And fast as the wind
Cavorting with life
My energy strong
Give me a red coat
That you may not look
Upon my frail
Boney frame
Make my heart beat strong
As my utterly charming
And sincere brown eyes gaze
Up at you in canine adoration
Make my tail wag so you'll know
You've been my world
Since that glorious day
When you walked
Into the pound and, from the long row of dogs
When I was already seven years old,
You reached out and
Made me yours
Give me a red coat
To hide my shame
For the extra work demanded by my nineteen years
The special food you so lovingly prepare
The hand feeding I adore,
Not so much for the food
As for the chance to lick your fingers
There's the Adequan
You draw up into the syringe twice weekly
Carefully injecting it into my muscles
To help stave off
The terrible pain in my joints
Even now, in my winter
I will run like a pup
On our walks to the barn
So you can feel my joy
At being your dog
My joy that you are my human
I ask God to make me ready
For the end that is nearing
When the only appetite I'm left
Is that of your comfort
And when I am done with this life
Bury me in my red coat
So your last glimpse of me in this form
Is not of ravaged body, but beauty and kindness
And a life well lived
Give me a final resting place
In sight of the front door
So that you may see the flowers and blossoms
You'll surely plant over me
Be sure, dear one, when your time draws near
And it's time to cover your years
To follow my example
By flaunting a marvelous red coat
So that you, too
May go in style
Give Me a Red Coat, copyright 2012 by Susan Fay. All rights reserved. If you would like to reprint this poem, please contact me at Thank you!

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