Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Calf's Bath

Daisy's calf's coat always looks startlingly clean. The secret, it seems, is the frequent calf baths "Tip" receives, courtesy of Daisy and her sandpaper rough tongue.

The adult cattle, Tad, Daisy, Libbey, and Tove, like to go into the woods of the lower pasture, where they can brush and comb their coats clean by rubbing against the trees. Unfortunately, there aren't any woods in the upper pastures, so Daisy and Tad are looking a bit rumpled as of late.

Experiencing the bovine tongue is one of life's rare and wonderful interspecies encounters. It's definitely something you should do. A cow's tongue is rough enough to tickle, which always makes me giggle.

A Calf's Bath, Daisy Cleans "Tip"

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