Sunday, April 8, 2012

Finding a Cat's People, The Search for "Pumpkin's" Purrson...

So far, talking to neighbors hasn't helped identify an owner for the big orange tabby that was struck by a car before finding its way to our barn late Friday night. So this evening, I'm testing the power of Craig's List. I've posted two ads with the following photos.

Tomorrow, I'll print fliers and hang them in our local post office and at the North Plains Veterinary Clinic. With any luck, "Pumpkin's" purrson will see a flier or look through the FOUND or PETS sections of Craig's List.

For his part, "Pumpkin" is totally disgusted with his incarceration at the emergency clinic. He's still in an immense amount of pain from his injuries, the biggest of which is a broken pelvis. For now, "Pumpkin" cannot get into a litter box, so those tendng to his wounds are also wiping away urine. It's a tough deal for an independent, fiesty cat like "Pumpkin," one who is used to calling his own shots.

Besides looking put out, "Pumpkin" is also doped up on painkillers. When I visited today, he didn't feel like thanking me and I certainly can't blame him. He may or may not survive his encounter with the car, but it sure would be grand to see him reunited with his purrson. Please keep praying for "Pumpkin," a cat who very much needs a miracle.

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