Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Better Day for Jetblue

Colic can be a scary thing when your horse is just three or four months out from major abdominal surgery to correct a displaced colon. Yesterday, when I saw Jetblue kicking at her stomach, I was pretty worried. Worry has never handcuffed me -- I've always been blessed with the ability to remain cool during medical emergencies, to follow protocol.

The quick vitals assessment, the Banamine administration, the light exercise, the warm water, and eventually, the hand grazing, all helped Jetblue right herself. For now, my blue roan filly is feeling and looking good.

It was a better day for Jetblue, a better day for me, too.

Lorenzo Walks Jetblue to the Barn After Some Hand Grazing

Yesterday, Jetblue was Pinning Her Ears and Very Angry -- Today, She's Back to Being Her Typical "All Kisses" Self

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