Thursday, May 17, 2012

Clover Days

Our local landscape is ablaze with clover fields and lots of them. I'm not sure if the farmers are growing the stuff as a hay crop, for use as green manure, to boost honey production, or to fix nitrogen in the soil. It could be one or a combination of any of these reasons.

What I do know is that the fields initially bloom with an intense reddish hue and within a day or two have shift to the most lovely magenta. Here in Northwestern Oregon, our clover days are truly a visual feast.

Here's a photo of one of the nearby clover fields, one I snapped on the way to the post office earlier today.

Red Clover

by Dora Read Goodale

Crimson clover I discover
By the garden gate,
And the bees about her hover,
But the robins wait.
Sing, robins, sing,
Sing a roundelay,--
'Tis the latest flower of Spring
Coming with the May!

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