Monday, August 20, 2012

Jetblue's Baby Barn Swallow

The Barn Swallows who take up the rafters in the horse loafing sheds are a chatty, multi-generational crowd. Interestingly, they seem to know and tolerate us. That isn't the case for the ranch cats or the small dogs. The swallows form a veritable air force, dive-bombing any critter who threatens their fledglings.

Over these past several years, we've developed an appreciation for the swallows' aerial feats and their ability to pluck a wide range of insects from mid-air. When you live with and care for livestock like we do, Barn Swallows are a potent front line in the pest control program.

This past week, as temperatures hit the century mark, a late season nest of Barn Swallows was clearly in danger. The heat drove the youngsters out of the nest. One survived the huge drop and is living in Jetblue's loafing shed, having perched on a rather large pile of road apples.

Jetblue knows the baby is there -- I've seen her nuzzling her small charge -- and the adult swallows swoop in frequently with the day's fresh catch. So, I expect this youngster will not only survive; Jetblue's Barn Swallow baby is going to thrive.

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