Monday, August 27, 2012

Goodnight Sweetgrass Ranch: The Perfect Close to a Bountiful Harvest Day

Tonight's sunset was the perfect close to a bountiful harvest day. The garden yielded enough green beans and scallions to feed two families, loads of Ring of Fire Cayenne peppers, sweet peppers, and the first of the Black Plum tomatoes. The orchard blessed us with late season Blueberries and two buckets of what promises to be a whale of an Asian Apple Pear harvest. I spent my evening watching this glorious sky as I braided the first of the 2012 Sweetgrass crop.
There are other tangibles as well. My young friend, Eric, spent a good deal of his summer here, helping out and becoming a very good archer. His basketball improved to the point where he's routinely trouncing me at Horse or Pig and he often outsmarts me when we play cards. Eric has gotten tall and strong and his voice has deepened, too.
In his first year of showing horses, Lorenzo exceeded all my expectations and excelled. He also managed to teach me to handle a rope, which is no small task! Our combined efforts resulted in high marks for the Sweetgrass Ranch horses.
Where's the beef? Tip, our 2012 bull calf, is well on his way to becoming a 2013 herd sire.
Here at Sweetgrass, we live a charmed life, one that is never taken for granted. I am ever mindful of my good fortune, of the many folks who dream of this life. To you, I say, may you find your peace place; may you realize all your goals and then some!

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