Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lavender -- Harvesting a Divine Scent

The forecast is calling for rain, bucket loads of the stuff, to begin Friday afternoon. We've been scrambling to get the last of the dry weather chores knocked off; we've sized up our covered areas and thought about where the horses and cattle will go during the worst of the winter storms.

I've picked the ripe tomatoes and soon, I'll pull the tomato plants and hang them upside down in the garage. Someone told me this is a good way to ripen the remaining green tomatoes. There are Asian apple pears to harvest yet. Perhaps tomorrow.

The sun was still shining late this afternoon as I cut and collected the first of the lavendar crop. The bumble bees and cucumber beetles were of like mind. As I snipped the delicious, spent blossoms, the bees buzzed back and forth between the tiny purple flowers, competing with the beetles for the lion's share of pollen.

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