Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Answering the Call to Life

One of my favorite blogs is author Jon Katz's Bedlam Farm Journal, which I began following faithfully after reading the book Izzy and Lenore.  Katz writes beautifully about a wide range of topics, but he really shines when it comes to life in the country -- life filled with dogs, a barn cat, chickens, and donkeys.

Last Friday, Katz and his wife, fiber artist Maria Wulf, said goodbye to their beloved Border collie, Rose.  Intelligent, brave, hard-working, and driven, Rose was the perfect stock dog and Katz has the video footage to prove it.  Rose did double duty, serving as the inspiration behind Katz's marvelous book, Rose in a Storm, the story of a farmer, his faithful Border collie, and an epic storm.  On more than one occasion, Rose literally saved Katz's life.  For all this and more, Rose was loved far and wide.

Over the past few days, Katz's readers have e-mailed  thousands of condolences to Bedlam Farm.  Katz himself has been posting sweet Rose memories, photos, thoughts, and even a short video.  His most recent work, a book titled Going Home, Finding Peace When Pets Die, chronicles the stages of  loss, grief, remembrance, celebration, and moving on.  So, Katz himself is well versed in the process.  His thoughts, taken from a few journal entries:

"Grief is not how my story goes or ends, and it is not the story of Rose, or of Rose and me. All around me I see life, love, beauty and purpose. There are people and animals and light and beauty  waiting for my love and attention, my eye, heart and camera. They will get it." ~Jon Katz

While prominent, Rose wasn't the only character in the Bedlam Farm cast.  Simon, a rescue donkey on the brink of death, was rehabilitated by Katz and Wulf this last summer and is now a shining example of good health.  Each morning, Simon greets Katz and Wulf with a bombastic bray.  Katz loves to call it "Simon's call to life" and I think he's on to something.

Poet Maya Angelou said it best:

"Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told:  "I am with you kid.  Let's go.""  ~Maya Angelou

To read the Bedlam Farm Journal, please click on this link:

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