Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We Are In Community Each Time We Find a Place Where We Belong

The title line for this post is a quote from American author and consultant Peter Block.

There's one party I look forward to all year.  Tonight was the night.  Instead of gathering inside the Rustic Ridge Arena for a pray and play with our dogs, the two-legged members of God's Dog Squad gussied up and met at the oh-so charming log home of co-founder Shawna Schuh.  This year's event was all the more special because my daughter, Rosie, came with me.

Holiday parties come in all flavors and they can range in temperature, too -- everything from downright cold to smoking hot.  Squad celebrations are, without question, the most welcoming group of folks I've ever encountered.  Lots of party wags!

It's a potluck, too, so everyone arrives with a specialty dish -- meatballs, spicy chicken, tamari chicken, sweet potatoes, a to-die-for veggie tray, deviled eggs, spectacular salads, mincemeat pie with brandy sauce, and dark chocolate covered coconut candies to name a few.  Once the prayer is said, we dive into the eating and visiting portion of our program. 

Over the years, I've come to appreciate that squad members are superb conversationalists and even better listeners.  It isn't often that you get to know someone's heart, yet I always come away from our monthly meeting or annual party with a greater understanding of someone else.  This connectivity is, in my book of life, an enormous gift.

Usually, we transition from eating and visiting to the ornament exchange.  Everyone pulls a number out of a hat and we set the expectations, things like an item can only be "stolen" three times.  Laughter erupts as these gentle souls select or "steal" ornaments.

Last, we sing.  Our them song, "God and Dog," and Christmas carols -- lots and lots of them.  Together, the squad makes beautiful music.  It's a place I belong, an important part of my community.  Where do you belong?

"One man may hit the mark, another blunder; but heed not these distinctions. Only from the alliance of the one, working with and through the other, are great things born."  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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