Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Not So Colic, Night Three

Jetblue's colic isn't a colic after all.  Usually, I can turn a gas or minor impaction colic in short order.  So, yesterday morning, when Jetblue didn't seem to be responding to all the usual tricks, I put her in the horse trailer and hauled her to Pacific Crest Sporthorse.  It was Dr. Jennifer Posey's day off, but ace technician Nikki James was there with Dr. Amanda Johnson.  The duo assessed Jetblue and recommended drawing blood to check for infection and organ function.  The results came back this morning.

My filly has a virus, a nasty gnarly virus that sent her temperature soaring all the way to 105.7 degrees late today.  Doctors Posey and Johnson have checked in frequently and we've used measured doses of Banamine and cold rag baths to help reduce Jetblue's fever.  Using what we know, we're supporting the filly's system and hoping she'll fight the virus off by Thursday.

Until then, it's going to be another short, watchful night.  Prayers for Jetblue would be appreciated.

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