Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Every Life Needs Its Altar

The title line for this post is part of a quote from Esther B. York.  Here is the entire quote:

“Every life needs its altar.  It may be in a church or quiet nook.  It may be a moment in the day, or a mood of the heart…But somewhere the spiritual life must have its altar.  From there life gains its poise and direction.”

This past couple of days, I've been reading about personal altars and sacred space -- everything from experiments where human intention actually produces more vigorous fruit flies to a measurable difference in the energy signature for a particular place.  Here's my takeaway.

It seems likely that human intention can be converted to a type of ordered coherent energy that exerts a force.  This is why setting positive intentions is so important.  Furthermore, once our energy is put into motion, it can remain present for a very long time.

My dash-of-this-and-that personal altars are located in very public places -- behind my kitchen sink, on a photo board in the barn, etc.  Both locations are places I frequent, most often when I'm spinning around like a top, revolving so fast I can't possibly discern the absence or presence of momentum, let alone direction.

At each alter, I've placed talismans, objects that both ground and connect me to my values, my family, my friends, and my passionate pursuits -- smooth stones and agates collected on beach walks, a Begonia start blooming bright in the dead of winter, a horse tooth, things made and gifted to me by my children.  A couple of deep breaths in the presence of one of my altars and my pulse slows.  My brain clears.  Best of all, my heart is good.

Sacred space is, for me, the ever changing outdoors.  It's found in the late afternoon light when the shadows are long and everything is aglow, the mist that clings to the cow pastures, and the hauntingly lovely bugle of a bull elk.  Sometimes, when I am lucky, I sense the divine in the eye of a fellow creature.

Drifty's Eye

Does your life have an altar, a checkpoint where you connect with the truths you hold dear?  What are your sacred spaces?

“There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.  - Johnny Depp

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