Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bear, Feline "Masterpiece"

Each of the animals here at Sweetgrass Ranch has a purpose. Bear, our ten year-old barn kitty, is no exception. She's a hard working gal -- many a mouse, mole, vole, and rat has been vanquished by Bear. Even at age ten, she is an avid and potent huntress. At the same time, she's a love, a true peach of a cat who enjoys cuddling.

Bear's finer qualities make it easy to dismiss her gifts, the small, beautiful birds she slays and brings to me; the snakes and salamanders she captures and leaves in the barn breezeway. Her generosity is boundless and she always punctuates each gifting session with her trademark motorboat purr, her utterly adoring gaze.

Leonardo da Vinci is quoted as saying that "even the tiniest feline is a masterpiece." So true, Leo. So true.

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