Friday, April 13, 2012

The New Cat

Pumpkin, the orange tabby who was struck by a car and somehow managed to drag himself to the front of our horse barn a week ago today, returned to Sweetgrass tonight.

In the week that he's been recovering at a veterinary urgent care clinic, I've gone door to door trying to find Pumpkin's people. While I was out canvassing the area, I met a lot of nice neighbors. Almost every day this week, I stuffed mailboxes all up and down my ridge with FOUND fliers and made sure those fliers were displayed at the North Plains post office, library, gas station, coffee cabana, and local veterinary clinic.  Posting an online photo and description of Pumpkin on Craig's List's lost and found and at the Bonnie Hays Small Animal Shelter's web site was a snap.

Yesterday, I received a call and for a moment, I was hopeful. The woman who had phoned was, like me, trying to find another cat's people. It seems a charming orange cat had taken up residence under her deck.

Craig's List netted two e-mail messages, both lovely. They were from people who had lost kitties and hoped someone like me was on the other end of their cat's  story. I hope so, too.

Most people imagine I helped Pumpkin because I love animals. I DO love animals, but the plain truth of it is that I love people, too. Somewhere, someone is missing a beautiful orange tabby fellow, a hunk a hunk of purring love.

For now, Pumpkin is mine. In all likelihood, that's how it will stay. The folks at the clinic gave me the GOOD SAM discount, for which I am eternally grateful. There's no way I could have covered the cost of all the good work they did for Pumpkin. Bless them ten fold and then some!

My contribution to Pumpkin's story is far from over. Pumpkin has six to eight weeks of cage rest ahead of him. One of his back legs is swollen and requires hot compresses and massaging. He's eating well if you hold the food dish up and shake the kibble. There's pain medication to administer every six to eight hours and medicine to keep Pumpkin's digestive system moving.

For now, I've got a new cat and plenty of time to get acquainted.

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