Monday, April 9, 2012

The Quest to Find "Pumpkin's" People Continues

Last Friday, a large orange tabby was clipped by a car up on Pumpkin Ridge Road. Somehow, the severely injured cat managed to drag himself to the front of our barn, where we found him.

We dropped everything and rushed the kitty to an emergency vet clinic, where he has been recovering from a broken pelvis and some major league bruising.

There was no collar, no microchip, so I've been calling the big handsome tabby "Pumpkin." As of this writing, I've yet to find "Pumpkin's" people. A door to door search, fliers at the local vet clinic and post office, and a posting with Bonnie Hays Small Animal Shelter and have all been fruitless. Late this afternoon, I began stuffing mailboxes with fliers. Something tells me that Pumpkin has people who will miss him.

Please keep this guy in your prayers. He's going to require six to eight weeks of cage rest when he's released from the clinic, which could be as early as tomorrow or Wednesday.

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