Monday, July 2, 2012

All Is Well, Thank Heavens!

It's Sunday night and all is well here at Sweetgrass.
This time last week, I was trotting my two plus year-old filly, Jetblue, up and down the asphalt drive. Earlier, when I'd gone to throw the p.m. hay, I noticed Jetblue kicking and nipping at her stomach, a sure sign of colic. It was a long, restless night; one that eventually turned out just fine, thank heavens!

Dr. Steve Vredenberg of Banks Veterinary Service suggested a couple of management changes that may help Jetblue. She's undergoing a week's worth of dietary psyllium therapy and she's also on a daily low dose wormer. So far -- knock on wood -- there's been no sign of colic.

Early Thursday morning, a coyote darted in front of my daughter, Rosie's, Honda. We're still not sure how the furry critter fared, but Rosie's car sustained some fairly major front end damage. Rosie was shaken, but thankfully not hurt. For now, the Honda is in the care of the capable, savvy hands of Kelly Meagher at All Terrain Auto Body.

Initially, we didn't realize that the Honda's radiator was cracked. It became a big concern later when one of our dogs, a cut little ten-pounder named Sprite, became incredibly ill. Since radiator fluid is a major cause of pet fatalities, we rushed Sprite to Tanasbourne Veterinary Emergency. There, Dr. Shawn Thomas eliminated anti-freeze poisoning. He also provided some dietary recommendations to help mend Sprite's gastrointestinal system. As of this hour, my pup is happily snuggling with me.

Life is again quiet and good. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes.

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