Sunday, July 15, 2012

My Hope for Jetblue: A Good Life, One Free of Colic

Every person that comes to Sweetgrass is drawn to my blue roan filly, Jetblue, and she to them.

Writer Janet Herring-Sherman with Jetblue

Raising Jetblue hasn't been easy. As a long yearling, Jetblue experienced multiple mild colics, each one becoming bigger. Then, in January, the big one hit and we had to rush Jetblue to Oregon State University's Veterinary Teaching Hospital for colic surgery.

Since then, Jetblue has experienced three additional colics. Each one was manageable, but incredibly worrisome. After the second colic, I began consulting with my veterinarians and Jetblue's OSU surgeon, Dr. Jill Parker.

While information was flowing back and forth, I did some extensive Internet reading. Instinctively, I went to soaking Jetblue's hay for an hour prior to feeding and giving her half portions spread out over about an hour. Thinking it might be best, I dropped any type of grain or feed from her twice daily meals, leaving a bland diet of beet pulp and horse vitamins. In my mind, soaked beet pulp has many advantages -- low starch and low sugar, high fiber, and lots of extra fluid if you use lots of water.

Since exercise is key to keeping a horse's digestive system working correctly, Jetblue is lunged or ponied daily.

Dr. Steve Vredenberg of Banks Veterinary Service suggested a three week course of psyllium and using a daily wormer. Dr. Jennifer Posey agreed that a low dose of daily wormer might be a good idea.

A message from Dr. Parker assured me that Jetblue had shown no signs of metabolic issues during her stay at OSU. She advised putting Jetblue on a low bulk (reduced hay intake) diet paired with a low carbohydrate, low starch complete feed like Purina Wellness.

Interestingly, soaking hay in cold water for an hour can reduce carbohydrate levels by as much as thirty percent. It seems that I had already moved toward reducing Jetblues carbohydrate intake -- AMAZING!

For now, Jetblue remains on her soaked hay, beet pulp, vitamins, and psyllium. Tomorrow, we'll try reducing her hay a bit and introducing a small serving of Wellness. If all goes as hoped, we'll gradually increase the level of Wellness.

More than anything, I want Jeblue to have a good life -- one free of colic. Please keep Jetblue in your prayers for a good outcome this next week. I'll keep you posted.

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