Friday, September 14, 2012

Grapes at Sweetgrass! Asian Apple Pears and Tomatoes, Too!

One of my greatest joys is producing enough food help feed my family and friends' families.

So far this year, we've had a record Blueberry crop, wonderful radishes, onions, peas, beans, and Swiss Chard. 2012 was our first attempt at growing corn, so the crop yield was a bit low -- the few ears we harvested were sweet and tasty.

Right now, four varieties of heirloom tomatoes are coming on strong. We're picking loads of Asian Apple Pears, and -- after three long years in the making -- we nearly have a bumper crop of grapes. Life is good.

The first crop of Sweetgrass Ranch grapes are close to harvest.

It seems that people across the country are in some small way trying to return to their rural roots. Backyard chickens and ducks, raising pigs, and farming a small plot in a community garden all come to mind.

When you grow your food, you know what you are getting. There's no guesswork and every part of your harvest will be at peak ripeness and freshness.
Garden or farm on, world, and while you are doing so, enjoy connecting with your rural heritage.

“You know, farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

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