Thursday, September 6, 2012

Indulging Gin's Drinking Habit

Drinking like a fish can be a good thing, especially if you weigh close to twelve-hundred pounds and have a primitive and extremely sensitive digestive system.

Somewhere in the not-too-distant past, my son, Nick, taught his gelding, Gin, to drink water from plastic water bottles. It was the type of parlor trick that thrilled and delighted other kids.

Over the years, we've continued in the same vein, encouraging, indulging, and growing Gin's "drinking habit" repertoire to include guzzling directly from the water hose.

Yesterday, our good friend, Chelsea Ibarra, came to ride Gin and afterwards, as she rinsed away the sweat and dirt, Gin did what Gin does best -- he took a very big gulp of water!

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