Monday, September 10, 2012

Weaning Tip

Daisy's Charolais/Black Angus bull calf, Tip, is fast approaching six months. For the past two months, he's been courting the ladies, a pint-sized version of a bovine Romeo. For now, Tip is all try. Next year, he'll fill the role of our herd sire.

Yesterday, I observed Tip butting heads with the large Charolais steer, Tad. One of the Black Angus heifers, Libbey, is cycling and the two boys -- mighty and mini -- were competing for her attention. Tad easily deflected each of Tip's advances and he was fairly good natured about it. Still, it's time.

So this afternoon, Lorenzo separated the bull calf from the rest of the herd. For his entire life, Tip has been in the care of his mama, Daisy, and Uncle Tad. The duo looked on nervously as Lorenzo talked to Tip and stroked his back.

Never one to miss a traning opportunity, Lorenzo spent time leading the calf away from the herd. Tip remembered his earlier lessons and was a model citizen for this part of the program.
Walking back toward the rest of the cattle was a bigger challenge. Tip bolted past Lorenzo in an attempt to pull free and rejoin his mom and the others. It was amazing to see Lorenzo anchor his weight as he delivered a series of sharp tugs on Tip's lead rope. In the end, Lorenzo prevailed.

For the next couple of weeks, Tip will spend the night in the cattle pen and the rest of the herd will no doubt bed down in the adjacent pasture.
Tomorrow, we'll turn Tip out with Tad and the duo will graze in a pasture next to the girls.

Weaning is tough, but necessary. We'll do everything possible to make it low stress. Off to check on Tip...

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