Friday, January 27, 2012


Jetblue came home from OSU today, one week and two days after major life saving surgery.  Lorenzo backed her out of the trailer and walked her down toward Drifty's paddock, calling the mare.

Drifty loped up to the gate and reached over to sniff her baby.  She and Jetblue touched noses -- it was a very sweet moment.

No one can say for sure what was going through Drifty's mind this past week, but Lorenzo and I both noticed that she seemed disheartened and a little depressed.  Her former life as a broodmare probably lead her to believe that she would never again see Jetblue.  So there was definitely a sense of relief and joy in the encounter at the gate.

Jetblue has lost a lot of weight, so we'll be carefully adjusting her diet to add a few pounds and then maintain her during her two-month stall rest.  Her care will involve hot-packing the catheter site to encourage drainage from a bit of swelling there, and administering aspirin to avoid any blot clots.  We'll be aggressive with the use of the cribbing collar, too, since cribbing can definitely lead to things like a right dorsal colon displacement.

This night, our barn once again seems complete.  Jetblue is home and there's a sense of renewed hope and purpose.

Thank you for your prayers!

Jetblue, Back at Home

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