Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Safe Place for Drifty

More and more, I'm convinced that my mare, Drifty, is here to teach me about Natural Horsemanship. Started lightly as a long two year-old and then commissioned to a broodmare band, Drifty never had the benefit of one-on-one training early on. So working with her requires great care, consistency, and finesse. Now ten, Drifty is in some ways like a youngster, a three year-old filly.

My challenge -- and it's a big one -- is to do a good job of providing Drifty a safe place for every right action. When things don't go quite how I expect them to, I need to realize it's not a big deal. Instead, I need to slow down, ask again, and reward Drifty's try. In this, patience and time are my allies.

As with so many things my life, anger has no place in horse training. If Drifty seeks to bully or improve her position through force, there's always a consequence. The consequence can be constructed of something that challenges Drifty or is a lot of hard work, but it can never be a punishment. Just a consequence without anger.

Natural Horsemanship doesn't mean letting Drifty do what she or he wants to do -- that would be foolish -- but it does require strong leadership on my part. Clear, consistent, firm, and kind leadership that provides Drifty with a safe place. Leadership and the time and patience to help guide Drifty to that safe place.

A Safe Place for Jetblue

The last time Lorenzo and I walked and trotted Jetblue through the snow was January 18 of this year. Back then, the two year-old filly was in the throes of a bad colic, one that required emergency life-saving surgery.

The mood was much different today. Jetblue is still on stall rest, but she's mending nicely. It's feels good to know that Jetblue is in a different place during this snow event, a safe place.

Lorenzo and Jetblue

A Safe Place for Whisper

No horse has ever tested my metal like Whisper. From the getgo, the mare wasn't sound and for much of the past nine years, she's been injured or lame. Always, I've done my best to mend her. Doing so has taken an emotional and financial toll and I've struggled with the question: How do I balance Whisper's needs with mine and my pocketbook?

Recently, my dear long term horse vet told me it would take a thousand dollars to thoroughly diagnose Whisper's latest trouble spots -- swollen rear fetlock tendon sheaths. My husand and I had just covered the massive cost of my filly, Jetblue's, unanticipated colic surgery, so finding the money to help Whisper wasn't possible.

Insead, I've kept Whisper in compression wraps and put her on paddock rest. Two days ago, Dr. Megan Jurasek, a vet I know and trust, ultrasounded Whisper's rear deep flexor tendon and suspensory ligaments for a fraction of the original estimate. Everything looked fine and we settled on using a slow impact exercise and supplements program to see if Whisper can be made pasture sound.

Whsiper's riding and show days are over, but for the first time in a long time, I'm guardedly optimistic that we may be able to reduce any overhead, like shoeing, and get her sound enough to mow pastures. Finding a safe, sound place for Whisper would indeed be a miracle.

Whisper and Lorenzo

Monday, February 27, 2012

God Smiled at Me Today

God smiled at me today and it was good.  VERY GOOD.

Having worked on mending three broken ribs this past six weeks, this was THE day.  A fine day to ride, too, with the air cool and crisp and a sky without clouds.  Being astride my gelding, Irish, was so incredibly lovely, so powerful and liberating, so immensely endearing that I am still, as of nine p.m. this night, giddy and yearning for more.  Tomorrow.

There were other blessings as well.  The first was an answer to a prayer.  Following an extensive job search, my son, Nick, landed a part-time work today.  Work that will provide income and the flexibility to pursue an internship with Oregon State Parks.  YAHOO!  Go Nick!

Next, Dr. Megan Jurasek of Banks Veterinary Service ultrasounded the tendons and ligaments in Whisper's left rear fetlock to hock region.  Miraculously, the deep flexor tendon, suspensory ligaments, and tendon sheath are in very good shape.  Running through the various options, Dr. Megan helped me design a "low-impact" exercise and supplement (Legend) program to make Whisper pasture sound.  For the first time in well over a month, I am guardedly optimistic.

Finally, the good doctor and I worked together to get Sombra's, Lei Lei's, and Sprite's nails trimmed.  All three dogs were very good sports, a big improvement over going to the vet clinic for a trim.

While these events seem discrete, they "feel" connected.  It was an incredibly difficult start to this year -- broken ribs, emergency life-saving colic surgery for Jetblue, and what could have been a terminal injury for Whisper.  Now, things are on the upswing.  Good and strong and comforting, the pulse of the universe surrounds me.  Like a pasture fence post at dusk, I am again aglow and connected.

God, if you're still awake, I'm smiling right back at you!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Making the Switch to Dr. Megan Jurasek, DVM

Recently, I decided to try a relatively new veterinarian in our area.  I had been meaning to do so for some time and a single event at the old clinic -- a doctor insisting on prescribing a medication that could potentially make an aggressive dog more so -- provided added incentive.

It's a good thing, too.  The move brought me back to someone I've known for a long time, Dr. Megan Jurasek of Banks Veterinary Clinic.  I first met Megan when my son and daughter, Nick and Rosie participated in Washington County's Horse 4-H program.  Megan was one of the older kids, a smart, funny, kind young lady with some very big dreams.  Now, she's taking care of my family's four dogs and sole cat.

A week ago, I took my ailing nineteen year-old Beagle/Whippet, Princess, to Dr. Megan.  Princess's system was a mess.  The pain medication she'd been taking had wreaked havoc with her system and she appeared to be failing.  Within hours of seeing our new vet, Princess was on the mend and I felt better,too.  A few days ago, Princess was frolicking in the living room with our yearling Miniature Pinscher/Rat Terrier, Sprite.  It's been an amazing transformation.

The best part of seeing Dr. Megan is the sense that we are working together to manage Princess's care.  That may mean skipping certain vaccines or opting to use flea control only if necessary in lieu of a new heart medication or prescription food that keeps Princess's system balanced.  Dr. Megan is genuinely mindful of my desire to reconcile Princess's needs with my budget, something that never seemed to occur with the old clinic.

Making the switch feels good and I'm happy to be supporting one of the "kids" I know, a smart, funny, kind young woman who is well on her way to achieving her dreams.

"I hope to make people realize how totally helpless animals are, ow dependent on us, trusting as a child must that we will be kind and take care of their needs...  [They] are an obligation put on us, a responsibility we have no right to neglect, nor to violate with cruelty." ~James Herriot

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Keep Your Friendships In Repair

The title line for today's post is a quote from American essayist, lecturer, and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882).

Frenchwoman Stephanie Fournier, a good friend to my son, Nick, had an unexpected surprise this morning as we snapped a few photos down by the riding arena.  The first frame, with Stephanie holding my Rat Terrier/Miniature Pinscher cross, Sprite, was textbook perfect.

Sprite, who is normally ultra reserved with all visitors, has always had a huge soft spot for Stephanie.  Today, the little dog decided to declare her love in no uncertain terms.  Sprite planted a big wet kiss on her favorite new friend!


One of our most valuable assets is our ability to draw on each others strengths.  Such was the case today when Rosie returned home to Sweetgrass to help guide Lorenzo and me through a few tough spots with Drifty.  Over the years, Rosie has gained a lot of expertise when it comes to training nervous and dominant mares and her continued studies in the discipline of Dressage benefit our riding as well.  We're grateful for her help and proud to call her ours.  Here's some snapshots of Rosie and Irish with Lorenzo and Drifty.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bad Horse, Good Horse

Over this past weekend my filly, Jetblue, was a regular bronc.  It's not surprising, given that Jetblue had life-saving surgery to repair a right lateral displacement of her bowel five weeks ago.  Since then, she's been on stall rest with twice daily hand-walking.  For the energetic coming two filly, it's been a very long five weeks.

On balance, Jetblue has been a model patient.  But this weekend through Monday, when Lorenzo had the chance to get away and spend time with his family, when it was my son, Nick, who walked Jetblue, the filly got her naughty on.  She balled up, bucked, kicked, struck out with her front hooves, and tried to bite Nick.  At one point, she even slipped on the pavement, tumbled to the ground, and scraped up two of her legs.

It was a dangerous situation and I urged Nick to use a stud chain or a crop.  He was worried about getting Jetblue even more riled up, so he gutted it out instead.  Nick's safety and that of Jetblue's was enough to make me bring out a big gun.  Yesterday morning, after the horses were fed, I doused a few softened Berry Good horse treats with ACE, a safe and effective sedative.  Jetblue gobbeled them down and we waited about forty-five minutes or so before Nick attempted walking her.  Thankfully, the ACE made Jetblue manageable, although it didn't seem to curb her desire to bite.

So this morning, when Lorenzo returned, I explained the situation.  He felt fairly confident that Jetblue would be fine.  Amazingly, she was.  The difference?  When Lorenzo went to halter the filly, she did what she'd done to Nick all weekend long -- she pinned her ears, snaked her head, and became threatening.

Lorenzo's response to the cranky filly was far different than Nick's.  Hard and fast, he grabbed the crop leaning outside Jetblue's stall and smacked the filly once across her chest.  Jetblue immediately backed down and when Lorenzo once again invited her to be haltered, she did so willingly.

Is Jetblue a bad horse?  No, she's just a young, frustrated horse who is not able to get enough exercise during this critical post-surgery recovery time.  Did Lorenzo do the right thing?  Absolutely.  A horse that is bucking, kicking, biting, and striking is a significant safety issue.  Diffusing her ill intentions early on  helped make the whole experience safer for both handler and horse.  Doing so was the price of admission to see Jetblue's "good horse" side.

Lorenzo Walks Jetblue

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Calendar, My Life

The calendar keeps the record of my life here at the ranch:  due dates, births, significant events, fertilizer and horticultural oil applications, birthdays, check-ups with the doctor and dentist, farrier and vet appointments, clinics, horse shows, vaccinations, classes, writers' group meeting, vacations, deaths and more.

The notations are not anything fancy, just a quick few words scribbled on the date and near the time.  Sometimes, if I'm so moved, I embellish the entry with a smiley face -- a love note to this very blessed life of mine.

One of my favorite times of the year is when the frost is no more and it's time to plant peas.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The New February Sky Is Not Given to Glory

In the next couple of years, we are looking to downsize our house and possibly acquire more acreage, the new Sweetgrass Ranch.  It's difficult to find anything that remotely compares to our present location as evidenced by a quick drive by of a Yamhill County property earlier today.  There wasn't anything wrong with the place -- it even had a nice view if you don't mind big power lines...

Tonight, the sky lit up and I felt the immense power of this sacred ground that houses me, my family, and our many critters.  It was enough to inspire a snapshot and a poem.  Wherever you are, I hope you find this same sense of "connection" with your home.

Sunset Over the Horse Paddocks at Sweetgrass Ranch
February Sky and South Wind
by Susan Fay
The new February Sky 
Is not given to glory
She's a woman of strong convictions
Her life, a grand story
With a cloak that speaks of winter
Its shades muted grey
Her resolve is oft icy
To many a fine suitor's dismay
Yet the lads, they come calling
With offerings galore
There are crocus and daffodils bloomin'
Soft fine pussy willows and more
There's but one gent among them
Can unchain a February heart
He's seductive, the South Wind
Oh so smooth, oh so smart
His warm advances, they undo her
As her cape starts to flutter
Revealing a heart longing and lively
With warm tones gold as butter
As the sun takes his leave
The lovers join in a fiery dance
February Sky and South Wind locked
In an earthly romance
Their affair, one of great passion
With interludes of quiet and calm
In time they fashion
An ease, a truce, a balm
And witnessing their great love
The whole world wakes anew and sings
As South Wind and February Sky birth their fair child
The long awaited Spring

The poem -- "February Sky and South Wind" by Susan Fay -- is copyright 2012.  If you would like to use this poem for any reason, please contact Susan at or by using the comments function of this blog.  Use without permission is prohibited.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Language of Horses

My filly, Jetblue, suffered a right dorsal displacement of her colon three weeks ago today and had to be rushed to Oregon State University for emergency life saving surgery.  Thankfully all is well and she's mending nicely.

Jetblue's recovery process involves two months of stall rest with hand walking followed by a closely supervised month or so in a small paddock.  This is understandably frustrating for a young horse.  Without fail, we've managed to get her out for twice daily walks, usually with a little hand grazing.  Since I am recovering from three broken ribs myself, this responsibility has fallen mostly to Lorenzo during the week and to Nick on the weekends.

It's no secret that Lorenzo and Jetblue have a "thing."  Sometimes, when I watch these two interact, it's as if magic is playing out before my eyes.  Lorenzo has a gift and he truly understands the language of horses.  When he's hand-walking Jetblue, she's ultra calm, so quiet that Lorenzo can sip on his mocha as the two pass back and forth between the house and barn.

Learning the language of the horse is a never ending quest.  Recently, we introduced the bosal and the mecate, a hackamore, to Irish and Drifty.  Having a solid foundation in his training, Irish took to it well.  Drifty is a different horse, much greener, and we rushed her introduction.  The result was a lot of frustration for both horse and rider.  Unfortunately, the communicaiton we had worked so hard to establish broke down.

Over the next few months, we'll be working to repair and rebuild Drifty's trust in us and her understanding of what we are asking as we endeavor to be clear and consistent.  Key to our efforts is a wonderful DVD, Jaquima a Freno Series -- Part 2, Starting the Horse in the Jaquima with Richard Caldwell

Friday, February 3, 2012

A Hackamore for Drifty

The beautiful handcrafted 3/4 inch, 18 plait rawhide bosal and horse mane hair mecate that Drifty sports in this photo, the one I ordered from Hamley's of Pendleton, arrived late yesterday.  Both pieces were made in America by master craftsmen and together they make a hackamore.  Unlike the bridle, the hackamore is bitless, relying on sensitive pressure points on the horses muzzle and poll.

Drifty's New Hackamore Works!

This afternoon, Lorenzo worked Drifty down in her snaffle bit and then rode her in her new hackamore.  As you can see from Lorenzo's expression, the mare was exceptionally responsive.  So much so that she even moved off the light pressure exerted by the mecate mane hairs. 

The Artist Vocation is to Send Light Into the Human Heart

The title line for this post is a quote from German composer and pianist Robert Schumann (1810-1856).
Shadows intrigue me.  Last year, I photographed my shadow with that of at least one of every species of critter here at the ranch.  It was an amazing project, one I truly loved.

Late yesterday afternoon, as I was coming in from the barn, I was again drawn to the way my long lean cowgirl shadow spills across the blacktop.  In the soft warm glow of a disappearing sun, the lines for my boots and my Elko-style hat are particularly appealing to me.  Looking through my lens, I made a few exposures before my daughter joined me, proving that two shadows are always more interesting than just one.

Driving and Holding, Consistently

The mare isn't having it.  As Lorenzo pushes the big bay roan up into the canter, she balls up, wrings her tail and squirts pee -- a sure sign she's in heat.  Over and over, the able cowboy asks for an action and again and again, the mare declines.  Taking a different approach, Lorenzo side-passes the mare halfway around the arena and the mare goes to chomping her bit furiously, still refusing to yield.

Again, Lorenzo cues the mare up into the canter.  As they thunder past, I smell the sweat, the frustration.  I pick up my cell phone and dial Rosie.

"Drifty's being a pill.  You may not want to ride her."

Five minutes later, Rosie stands next to me.  As Lorenzo labors to bend the mare to his will, Rosie watches.  Gradually, Drifty softens, although it is by no means a complete or total surrender.

"You ready to ride?" Lorenzo asks Rosie.


Rosie swings into the saddle and the mare's eyes grow wide under the weight of someone new, someone with strong legs.  As Rosie walks Drifty, she adjusts her reins and measures the mare.  Then, cueing Drifty to trot, Rosie drives the mare up into the bridle and holds her there.  There is no anger, no argument in Rosie's action.  Simply the drive and hold, applied skillfully and consistently until Drifty provides a right action at which point Rosie releases the reins lightly.

Rosie Drives and Holds Drifty

Always testing, Drifty tries to shoulder away from Rosie's grasp.  The mare's cantankerous heat-driven will steams full speed into the rock-solid wall of Rosie's strong legs and hands.  Walls do not give.  When Drifty looks for an open door, when she balks or balls up, Rosie pushes her forward, always forward.  One, two, three, four tries and Drifty softly gives, earning Rosie's release and earnest praise.

I tell her she's wasting her time in college, that she should be here, riding horses.  She laughs.  Lorenzo laughs.  I laugh, too.

My Guiding Principles in Life Are To Be Honest, Genuine, Thoughtful and Caring

The title line for this post is a quote from Prince William.

Twenty-four hours after Dr. Barb Crabbe and Nikki James of Pacific Crest Sporthorse took a look at one of my mares and told me she was too lame to ride, the horse was doing her best immitation of a bucking bronc out in the small paddock.  True, I had worked some powerful topical anti-inflammatory, Dex in DMSO, into her rear tendon sheath region.  True, I did put standing wraps on both of Whisper's rear legs and true, I did give her a good dose of oral NSAIDs to help quiet down the swelling.  Still, it shouldn't have been enough to make a dead lame horse WOO HOO with such vigor.  Therein lies my dilemma with Whisper.

She's a talented horse; a frustrated one, too.  In the nine years that I've owned her, Whisper has spent well over half that time recovering from some kind of injury.  Truthfully, I believe she's always been this way.  In all likelihood, the folks who sold her to me knew it, too.  Yet when Whisper is working, she's truly amazing.  So, over the years, it's been easy to justify spending a lot of money to try to fix her. 

Now, Dr. Crabbe tells me it will take a thousand dollars to diagnose Whisper, money I simply can't pull out of the air.  Money that's needed to support and sustain this family and the other viable critters.   My knowledgeable and talented vet tells me she's not optimistic, that the results -- any results -- will not be good.  So I'm reluctant to send more cash into the black hole of Whisper's care.  Clearly, Whisper will never be okay.

If I retire my mare to pasture, she'll continue to be a frustrated, out-of-work horse that bucks herself from one pulled tendon to another.  That's not the half of it.  When Whisper is injured, doctoring her requires expensive medications, lots of time, and dedication.  When Whisper breaks, I'm put in the position of designing and executing a treatment regimen.

Thinking back over the past nine years, mending Whisper has consumed way more time than riding or showing her.  Always, I struggle with the quality of life question.  Is Whisper dealing with chronic pain?  Since most of her injuries require her to be stalled in the barn with a small flat paddock -- where she's separated from the rest of her herd for long periods of time -- is she lonely?  How does a long-term chronic condition affect her psyche?  Is this kind of life fair to Whisper or me?

Here at the ranch, horses that are sound get worked and horses that are worked get attention.  Whisper has, for much of her life with us, been relegated to a "safe" space and given a minimum level of attention.

For now, while I attempt to find clarity -- so I can be honest, genuine, thoughtful and caring in finding the right thing for Whisper and for me -- we'll continue to saddle and walk Whisper.  She's only been started back up three weeks yet it's apparent that she's elated to be working.  Her attitude is bright and she readily accepts saddling and light arena work.  The exercise keeps the swelling in the tendon sheath region down, too.  Decommisioning Whisper entirely feels wrong.  Defining a careful balance and determining limits seems right.

Jetblue and Whisper

Life is complicated.  A life with animals, my life, has always been about trying to find balance.  More often than not I've put the critters first, their needs always preceding mine and sometimes those of my children and husband.  Doing so has exacted a cost.

Wednesday, Dr. Barb Crabbe and Nikki James came to tend to Jetblue, to remove the surgical staples and ultrasound her vein near the still swollen catheter site.  Nikki commented that whoever put the staples in should have been a surgeon.  They were that straight.  The duo ultrasounded the still swollen catheter area, the area where there is a clot, and determined that the vein was not affected.  So far, Jetblue is recovering with flying colors.

While Barb and Nikki were here, I asked them to do a quick check of Whisper.  Nothing elaborate.  Just two more sets of eyes.  What they saw wasn't good.  Both of Whisper's rear tendon sheaths were swollen.  Nothing remarkable about that.  Whisper's rear tendon sheaths have been swollen at various times over the past two years and at some point early on, I even had Barb ultrasound them.  Back then, there was nothing more than swelling.  I've always doctored Whisper back to health but two years ago, I made the decision to decommission her.

Since then, she's woo-hoo'd in the pasture or paddock occasionally and the tendon sheaths have become swollen again.  Each time, I've medicated and wrapped the mare's legs until she recovered fully.
Wednesday, Barb initially thought the swelling was nothing more than cosmetic, but when she picked up Whisper's left rear leg and flexed it, the mare just about buckled to the ground.  In anticipation of the vet's visit, I hadn't given Whisper any pain medicine for two days.  She was obviously lame and Barb thought it was imperative to determine the source of the problem before asking Whisper to do any work. 

What that means is X-Rays and ultrasounds with a price tag of around a grand.  Barb told me she's confident that the findings will not be good.

So , as I have so many time with Whisper, I'm thinking about options. There are four approaches:
  1. Get a diagnosis.
  2. Return Whisper to stall and paddock rest only.
  3. Continue a light conditioning program with the use of anti-inflammatories and wraps.
  4. Euthanize Whisper.
It's a dilemma.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to Tie the Mecate to the Bosal

When I got my first bosal and mecate, I was a total novice.  Lorenzo had worked with the hackamore before, but he didn't recall how the mecate was tied to the bosal.  So, I did a lot of research and managed to come up with step-by-step directions and some fairly decent diagrams.  Getting the mecate tied to the bosal was largely a trial and error type of process and I recall reading and re-reading those directions over and over.

Today, as I was learning more about bosals and mecates, I came across Texan Brent Graef's web site. 
Brent is a master rawhide craftsman as well as an accomplished horse trainer.  I can tell he's a fine teacher, too, by the wonderful video posted on his home page.  In it, Brent shows how to tie the mecate to the bosal and how to fit it properly to a horse.  Great, graphic, easy to understand stuff!  Check it out by clicking here:

In the following photo of Whisper, I can see where she needs less wrap of the mecate around the bosal, allowing for more release / drop of the bosal when the reins are relaxed.

Whisper in the Hackamore (Bosal + Mecate)

For the first time since putting her back to work, Whisper's rear tendon sheaths were cool to the touch and there was enough definition to actually see the deep flexor tendon.  She seemed both flexible and pain-free with zero medication, so I'm hopeful that we'll be able to return her to work as long as we stick to a careful conditoning routine.  Here's a snapshot of Lorenzo and Whisper doing an easy trot with a little two-tracking:

Lorenzo and Whisper