Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to Tie the Mecate to the Bosal

When I got my first bosal and mecate, I was a total novice.  Lorenzo had worked with the hackamore before, but he didn't recall how the mecate was tied to the bosal.  So, I did a lot of research and managed to come up with step-by-step directions and some fairly decent diagrams.  Getting the mecate tied to the bosal was largely a trial and error type of process and I recall reading and re-reading those directions over and over.

Today, as I was learning more about bosals and mecates, I came across Texan Brent Graef's web site. 
Brent is a master rawhide craftsman as well as an accomplished horse trainer.  I can tell he's a fine teacher, too, by the wonderful video posted on his home page.  In it, Brent shows how to tie the mecate to the bosal and how to fit it properly to a horse.  Great, graphic, easy to understand stuff!  Check it out by clicking here:

In the following photo of Whisper, I can see where she needs less wrap of the mecate around the bosal, allowing for more release / drop of the bosal when the reins are relaxed.

Whisper in the Hackamore (Bosal + Mecate)

For the first time since putting her back to work, Whisper's rear tendon sheaths were cool to the touch and there was enough definition to actually see the deep flexor tendon.  She seemed both flexible and pain-free with zero medication, so I'm hopeful that we'll be able to return her to work as long as we stick to a careful conditoning routine.  Here's a snapshot of Lorenzo and Whisper doing an easy trot with a little two-tracking:

Lorenzo and Whisper

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