Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Safe Place for Whisper

No horse has ever tested my metal like Whisper. From the getgo, the mare wasn't sound and for much of the past nine years, she's been injured or lame. Always, I've done my best to mend her. Doing so has taken an emotional and financial toll and I've struggled with the question: How do I balance Whisper's needs with mine and my pocketbook?

Recently, my dear long term horse vet told me it would take a thousand dollars to thoroughly diagnose Whisper's latest trouble spots -- swollen rear fetlock tendon sheaths. My husand and I had just covered the massive cost of my filly, Jetblue's, unanticipated colic surgery, so finding the money to help Whisper wasn't possible.

Insead, I've kept Whisper in compression wraps and put her on paddock rest. Two days ago, Dr. Megan Jurasek, a vet I know and trust, ultrasounded Whisper's rear deep flexor tendon and suspensory ligaments for a fraction of the original estimate. Everything looked fine and we settled on using a slow impact exercise and supplements program to see if Whisper can be made pasture sound.

Whsiper's riding and show days are over, but for the first time in a long time, I'm guardedly optimistic that we may be able to reduce any overhead, like shoeing, and get her sound enough to mow pastures. Finding a safe, sound place for Whisper would indeed be a miracle.

Whisper and Lorenzo

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